Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sephora, how could you do this to me!

Yesterday my world shattered. Literally. Well, not literally, but it felt like it.

For the last 7 years I have been using Sephora: hydrating & smoothing foundation. It was perfect. Everything I was looking for in a makeup plus extras (SPF, oil-free).

My last purchase I believe was at the beginning of 2011, end of 2010 and something in me told me to buy 6 bottles. I opened up and used my last bottle on Friday and decided that I would go to Sephora on Saturday to stock up again.

And guess what? They no longer make the product! Ahhhhh. Not a good time for this! The only makeup I trust and depend on is gone. What do I do?! Are there any equivalents. I just don't want to think about it. I hate when I fall in love with brands, their products and then they up and leave. And I'm left alone. Confused. And not sure what to do. Sigh. I guess it happens.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Another visit, come and gone

Roshan came a few weekends back. And Arti came last weekend. My weekdays go to work but my weekends have been flying by too! I can't believe we're already in June. It's insane. I feel like I just got this job. That's a good thing I guess, everything is still going well.

I've started a scrapbook of Roshan and I. It was the easiest theme to do since there aren't 100's of pics and memories. I have a page or two from each visit we've had so far and a couple of other things. We can look back on all of this when we are oldies!

Here are some pics from his last visit. And my new haircut. Which I hate.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Simple pleasures

I was rereading all my past posts and damn, I sound like the same emotional teen, angst ridden, drama queen I've always been. Ha! I guess it's true, I haven't changed a bit from 8th grade : / Oh well!

Anyways, all has been good here. I've been working on some projects that have kept me extremely busy along with work, but right now they are all open circles. It can't be helped because of the nature of what it is but I'm hoping to materialize some soon!

I miss Arti. I wish she weren't so far away... Esha is here though. Sitting next to me. Coloring. I enjoy coloring with her. It's quite relaxing. I guess I'll get back to what is important - staying inside the lines.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"We want the best for you"

We always want the best for those we love. But, what we don't realize is that while we push for the best we are destroying their now, their happiness... and in many cases their best.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The conflicted ramblings of me

"You can either go (emotionally) broke running around trying to please everyone, or you can spend your time creating, living and being AUTHENTIC" - From a blog posting by Jenny Blake